So here we are at 26 weeks...6.5 months along, and only 3.5 to go. Wow, it's going by so fast! Not much left of the second trimester, which has been uneventful and pleasant. I have felt great. No severe mood swings, no physical discomfort aside from my growing belly being in the way. It's not too bad. People keep telling me I look small for how far along I am. You be the judge. I think I have put on a LOT of weight, but the distribution has been more on my backside than the front. GRRRR. So, what's going on INSIDE? Well, Leah pretty much sleeps all morning, then gives me a few kicks around lunchtime, sleeps all afternoon, then launches into a dance party when I get into bed. She loves to kick at where I put pressure on my belly. So, when my arm resting on it, she aims for that arm. I suspect she has her dad's restless leg syndrome, too, as she's pretty wiggly when she is probably sleeping. This is one active little baby!
According to the Internets:Your baby measures about 9.2 inches from crown to rump and weighs almost 2 pounds now. Its hearing is fully developed. As the fetus reacts to sounds, its pulse increases. Your baby will even move in rhythm to music. Lungs are still growing but are not yet mature. Patterns of your baby's brain waves appear like a full-term newborn. It also has patterns of sleeping and waking.
"Your baby will even move in rhythm to music."
Start crankin' the Tool!!!
May I suggest track #1 off of "Aenima" as a good start?
I already do crank the Tool driving to work. She is probably lovin' it!
In the coming few weeks, if you haven't already, invest in a heating pad. I LIVED on mine for the last couple of months due to horrendous back pain. Also stock up on toilet paper as you will have to go every 13 minutes. You look GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love that maternity shirt! Glamorous. I am sure Leah is soaking up a bit of her mother's style. Do you suppose she will have a purse and brush fetish as well?
What did I do to deserve such taunting from my sister? Doubtful she will have enough hair right away to warrant a giant brush collection, but purses...yes!
Heating pad, good idea. My back is not feelin' the best these days.
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