Wednesday, August 27, 2008
14 week belly shot.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tour d'Oregon

The Pinnacles near Crater Lake.

Sat. morning, mom and I did the 10K portion of the Crater Lake Marathon.
Here I am at the Crater Lake Lodge. Most beautiful day EVAR.

Now at Diamond Lake, Marc & Andy brave the cold water.

Now, we're at Mom & Dad's in Roseburg. Andy has a bit of trouble getting used to the flooring.
Touring some Umpqua Valley Wineries while in the area.
A visit to Andrew's gravesite, Andy the dog knows exactly where it is.
My favourite vineyard of the trip, Abacela, a spanish style winery with all spanish varietals.

A sweet bike we saw at Sixes, Oregon. They drove it from New York!

My nieces.

This little angel is Mayumi Aziza, my other sister Hilary's daughter, also 2 months old. I get to meet her for the first time in October. Stay tuned for lots of pix.
This is my sister-in-law Heidi's daughter, Sydney. Her twin brother will be featured in my 'nephew's post'. She is a sweetheart.
Here is an honorary niece, the granddaughter of my dear friend Terry. Olivia who is one year old this week. Her mother is Paige.
Yet another honorary niece, Sierra, daughter of my friend Michelle (Nicole's sister). AWWWW.

It was done on 18 pt. fabric with 130 colours.
Catching Up...The News!
I will also have a lot to post about in the future, as there has been a development:
As of today, the bambino is about 14 weeks and 4 days old. Due date is February 20th. We're going to find out the gender in a few weeks, stay tuned for that announcement. Yes, we have full names picked out for either option, but we'll wait to share that after the birth. (One has to have some suprise in life, doens't one?)
Here are the first 3 ultrasounds. 6 weeks:
9 Weeks:
12 Weeks: